Prepared Environment-
The environments are prepared with thoughtfully designed didactic materials by Dr. Montessori to meet the child’s needs through various ages that stimulates the child’s brains for a transformative conceptual learning. To support independence there are child sized materials and furnitures. There is freedom to choose, work, observe , space for errors and corrections , discover and explore. There is beauty in its simplest form and order in the environment that wows and invites the children to work with the materials. Our Montessori classroom looks very different from a regular classroom, there is a “buzz” in our classrooms. Here you will see every child busy doing some or the other activity, independently choosing , working with them fully focused and responsibly winding up on their own.
Mixed-age environment
Purposeful learning materials
There is a purpose behind every material that is there in the environment which leads to the developmental learning of the child. There is no pretend play , they do purposeful work with real materials. The materials offer a stimuli to which the child responds and the childs brain gets active by working with it. They aid in auto education, where the child is able to engage
Montessori Educators
“When dealing with children there is greater need for observing than of probing” - Maria Montessori The educator plays a very important role in the childs learning. Our educators are called Guides because the work of the teacher is not to teach but it is to respectfully guide the child in their journey of learning. Our guides observe the child’s work, analyzes and plans for each child. The guides role model everything that is expected from the child, positively reinforcing the rules and redirecting the child.
Non-competitive learning atmosphere
Dr. Montessori believed competition in a learning environment is not only unnecessary but also harmful. When children are forced to compare themselves with their peers their focus is locked into what others are doing and doing better than other rather than on perfecting themselves for self satisfaction. Therefore in our Montessori classrooms there are no exams that would create a sense of competition in the children. It is the work of the child with the material that tells us whether the child has understood the concept or not. Here the guide plays an important role where they observe and understand the challenges faced by the child to offer a lesson accordingly. The children observe and aspire to become like one while respecting and appreciating each other’s abilities.
Individualized lesson plans
Each child has different interests and learn at their own pace. Therefore one plan for the entire group doesn’t justify the needs of the children. Hence, it is important to make individual lesson plans. After carefully observing the child’s work in the environment the guide analyzes and makes individualized lesson plans for each child.
We are professional and we work together